Albert Mills

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Albert J.Mills is Professor of Management and Director of the Sobey PhD (Management) at Saint Mary’s University. An external review of the PhD program stated that it was unique in North America for its focus on Critical Management Studies and, in particular, feminist organizational analyses.

Albert left school at 15 and his early images of organization — frustration, power disparities, conflict, exploitation, and sexually and racially segregated work — were experienced through a series of unskilled jobs and given broader meaning through numerous campaigns for social justice and change. His research activities center on the impact of the organization on people, focussing on organizational change and human liberation. Mills is the author of over 20 books, including critical management texts. His latest book (with Gabrielle Durepos) is ANTi-History: Theorizing the Past, History, and Historiography in Management and Organization Studies (IAP, 2012). He is currently on the editorial boards of several journals including an Associate Editorship of Organization, as well as Gender, Work & Organization, and Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management. Finally, he co-organized the gender stream of the first three CMS conferences and served as the co-chair (with Jean Helms Mills) of the CMS Interest Group-Division of the Academy of Management.